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Annie Graham
Annie Graham is in the building! And she is taking orders for Louisa’s Lament and bookings for lunch and book club meetings. She also does before and after dinner speaking engagements, and history club and conference sessions.
She can talk about researching the late 19th century’s press, and religious tensions that went into her book, and the hunt for the ‘lost’ records of the plotters; how the book came into being, including the tales of woe dealing with agents, printers, and book sellers; and the story itself and what it says to today’s women who have been betrayed, fitted -up and rejected in their work places.
Louisa's Lament
Annie Graham
How did Louisa Ingle go from being a hard-working nurse at London’s Guy’s Hospital to despised outcast, shunned and condemned for manslaughter?
Caught in a bitter dispute between the hospital’s modernisers and traditionalists, she was a scapegoat for the warring factions when the conflict tumbled out of control in the summer of 1880.
This is the story of that struggle and her downfall, and how she learned of the conspiracy that entangled her and drove her into deep despair at the rank injustice of her betrayal.
But it is also the inspiring true story of a group of pioneering women as they stepped out of Florence Nightingale’s shadow to establish the value of nursing as a profession for independent women.
llustrations by June Schneider, read more about their creation here.
Published: April 2023